
How to Write an RFP or RFQ for a Library Website Project

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Is your library considering hiring an agency or choosing a new website solution? Many libraries use the Request for Proposal (or RFP) process to help them define their goals and select a vendor to work on their website. This FREE guide will help you and your staff put together an RFP or RFQ (Request for Quote) that you can use to solicit vendors to build you the best website possible!

What You’ll Learn

In this guide, we will cover the following:

  • What a RFP/RFQ is and why you might consider using one (or not!)
  • The best ways to distribute your RFP to potential vendors
  • How to define your goals in a way respondents will understand
  • Why it’s important to pick a budget
  • Figuring out what timeline you can expect for completion of your website project
  • What your library might need beyond just a website
  • Sorting out what your technical requirements might be
  • Establishing design trends that you want to achieve in your own website design
  • Setting the expectation when it comes to getting your staff trained and comfortable with using the new site
  • What to look for in a vendor, and how to choose one
  • And much, much more!